Monday, April 27, 2009

The ninth month!!

Yay!!  As of today it's official...I have made it to 36 weeks and into the ninth month of pregnancy!  It just seems like yesterday that we found out we were pregnant and were announcing it to family and friends!  This pregnancy has been such a blessing, very easy and quite fun!  My only complaint is lower back pain, but nothing to slow me down too much!
I've enjoyed my growing belly and the extra "heater" during the winter, but now that it's getting warmer, I'm sure glad that I'll be delivering before the summer heat! :)  Here are a few belly pics for those who don't get to see me...

34 Weeks

35 Weeks

The "prego club"!  God has blessed us with a group of sweet friends in Amarillo and they all happen to be pregnant!  We get funny looks when all 4 couples go to dinner together!  We always feel sorry for the waitress waiting on the "pregnant end" of the table! :)   In the picture is me (due May 25), Jessica (May 6), Heidi (July 20) and Brie (June 28).

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Waco's 4th birthday

Yes I know...this may be a little much for those of you who aren't dog lovers, but Waco has been our child for four years now and she gets a "birthday party" every year.  In just two short months, I will have a baby to post pictures of instead of my dog! :)

When Waco is asked a question, she turns her head like this!  We have a lot of fun asking her things! :)

She even got a slice of cake but she wasn't too sure about the flame.

Yes, a profile pic has to sneak in.  This is 32 weeks!