Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Haircut time!

It was time once again for Parker to have another haircut, number four to be exact! I'm pretty sure there aren't many 8 month olds out there that have had four haircuts! :) Since Junior's barber shop is in the bottom of James's office building, he gets to come down and take part!
As always, Parker did great! We plopped him in his Bumbo chair and set it up on the big barber chair and Junior worked his magic. He actually said his hair is coming in even thicker. I promise you our next child will be completely bald because Parker took all the hair genes!! (our next one will be a bald baby girl, do you know how much fun I could be having with bows right now??)

He was little nervous at first, he even poked his lower lip out a couple of times before Junior got started.

Daddy reminding Parker that he's done this before and that it's FUN! :)

I'm good as long as I can see my mom and hang onto my toy.

Having a little more fun now.

OK , good to go!!
I forgot to take a finished product shot, I'll have to post one later! He sure is handsome!

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