At 8 months Sydney...
* is still a champ at eating sold foods. She will eat ANYTHING I give different from Parker!
* still nurses about every 4 hours
* takes a short morning nap and a long afternoon nap
* still wakes up crying at night, we are sleep training, again.
* rolls all over creation and can push up on her arms when on her tummy
* worked hard this month on two bottom teeth and they finally came through!!
* loves watching Parker and is starting to reach for his toys
* lights up when James walks through the door in the evenings
* "talks" to us by making a grunting sound with your mouth wide open
Sydney Kate, you are a doll! We love watching you grow up and learn new things so quickly. You were prayed for for so were most definitely worth the wait. What joy you bring us sweet girl!
I agree! She certainly is a DOLL!! Stop growing Sydney before I get a chance to see you again. :) So cute and so fun!