Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Snow day #2

We got another bonus day with daddy at home today!  When you get 19 inches of snow, it sets a city back a little bit and causes everyone to slow down!  Maybe this is just God's way of making us take a break and enjoy time together!  The snow plows were out in full force today so hopefully tomorrow we can venture out..I am ready to leave the house.  I'm the type that gets cabin fever very easily and though we have kept busy and made memories, it would be good if tomorrow were normal!

**Side note...I realize that in many of my pictures my child is pant-less when we are at home.  I don't know if this is part of being a 31/2 year old boy or what, but seriously, when we are home he does not want pants on.  I choose my battles and pants in the house is not one I fight, underwear is non-negotiable though!  ;)  Maybe when he turns 4 he will like pants again!?

Here is what we did today...

We started off with a slow morning by the fire, just relaxing!

Parker's favorite game is Hi-Ho Cheerio and we played multiple rounds of that.

Then the teacher side came out in me and we had "craft time".
Who knew stringing pasta onto a string could be so entertaining, he LOVED it!!

Showing off his finished macaroni necklace.

No snow day is complete without a fort!  This really is a regular occurrence at our house, Parker loves him a fort!

After lunch, we geared up in ski clothes and headed out to build a snowman!

Ta da!  We called him "Frosty".

We had so much fun just playing outside!

We ended the afternoon with a stroll through the neighborhood.
Sweet memories!

The blizzard of 2013 was fun but now it can be Spring!  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe all that snow, Lauren! Love the snowman. ; )
