Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sweet days

In the midst of slowly getting the nursery put together, I have been diligent in really soaking up the days of it just being Parker.  All we've known for almost 4 years is this sweet little guy and I am trying my hardest to freeze time, to keep him this age, to absorb every memory we make together because I know life is about to change...for the better!  Here are some things we've been up to:

We've had some cold days where we find our entertainment inside.

Sequencing the alphabet

We've had some awesome warm days where we can get out and play!
Here he is drawing a dinosaur.

He wrote his name all by himself!

Playing golf at the park in the melting snow.

Is there a better place to eat your popcorn than on top of a slide?

Love this boy!!
One of our favorites is swinging at the park.

Running errands with mom and reading the paper while we wait at the car wash.

My favorite moments of all...watching him love on this baby!!

1 comment:

  1. Such sweetness! I agree, this is the best age. I wish they would stay like this forever.
