Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nursery Duty

Today at church it was our turn for nursery duty. We got assigned to Parker's Sunday school class which was extra fun because we got to see him and his friends play and interact together. Of course I came armed with my camera to capture our fun! There were only two other babies there today, so we got to spend some great one on one time with them. We also got to witness one of the funniest things I've ever seen... Parker's friend, Tate, doesn't crawl, he scoots. He seriously sits on his bottom and takes his hands on the floor and scoots himself to where he needs to go. James and I got a kick out of watching this, it was too cute! The other hilarious thing was the "bye bye buggy". This buggy cracks me up every time I see it in the halls at church. The pictures just don't do it justice!
Who knew nursery duty could be so entertaining?? :)

First time to see bubbles!

They were a big hit!

Buggy time!
Every Sunday they go to the kindergarten room to do "music class".

Let's roll!

It's even more funny when the whole buggy is full! So cute!

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