Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sweet summer time!

Our daily routine has changed because it's finally summer!  The pool is open and that means P man turns into a fish.  He loves to swim and we find ourselves at the swimming pool hanging out with friends most days!  Fun times!

All smiles arriving at the pool!
Isn't his new baseball hat the cutest?  His buddy Jack gave it to him for his birthday and he wears it ALL the time! ;)

SO excited!

 We got home from the pool and he insisted on walking Waco, so he took her by the collar and walked her around the driveway!  Poor dog.

 More driveway fun

 Waiting for swim lessons to begin

This pic is so blurry because I took it from a balcony with my iPhone.  This is Parker's swim instructor, Luke, trying to calm him down.  Parker cried and cried but once I disappeared, he was fine and did GREAT for his very first lesson!

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